Saturday 23 June 2007


17 JUNE marked the close of the latest School of Missions here in Allerheiligen.

It has been an exhilarating 4 and a 1/2 months for the 14 participants. The last 3 weeks of the School have been particularly significant for them as they evangelised in the cities of Leipzig, Erfurt and Freiburg and witnessed the Holy Spirit empowering them to give witness with boldness and God working in the hearts of those they spoke to. Hallelujah!

These 14 very special people have been a great blessing too, for us in the community especially for the youth in our midst. In these young men and women of God, the youth found good Christian role models and cool friends!

Fr Joe giving each participant a special blessing at the Closing Mass.

The community gathers around the participants to pray for them and to send them out to continue to make Jesus known and loved throughout the world!

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