Saturday 2 June 2007

Calling Bassists! Drummers! Singers!

We are looking for bassists, drummers and singers (especially male singers) who are interested to serve together with us for worship projects.

Of course you must be willing to set aside time to practise with us (pardon me for stating the obvious!).

So, if you are keen (from between "mildly" to "madly"), contact Derek ( to have a chat, find out more. Who knows, we could be worshipping God together in the next project coming up!

Speaking of which, here is a list of projects coming up!

29th July - 4th August 2007
JUMP 2007
Nightly worship leading from 10:45 till 11:30pm.

16th September 2007
Opening Mass for School of Missions
( Allerheiligen - that's where we live!

28th October 2007
Worship leading

27th January 2008
Closing Mass of School of Missions

20th -22nd June 2008 (to be confirmed)
Worship leading

28th - 30th November 2008
Worship leading
Schwäbisch Gmünd (close to Stuttgart)

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