Thursday, 7 June 2007

School of Missions September 2007

School of Missions
16 September 2007 - 27 January 2008

Allerheiligen, Germany

The curriculum will be like any ICPE School of Missions but with an added emphasis on WORSHIP, MUSIC, LITURGY.
We want to encourage musicians and worship leaders to grow in their relationship with God and to discover their specific calling as they come closer to Him.
We hope to gather musicians who are looking for a place where they can live out their calling, either as part of the mission or working on projects with the Band of Followers, the mission's worship ministry.
Outreaches during the School will include opportunities to serve in worship leading and ministering through music.
Although there is the added dimension of music and worship, people who are not directly involved in music may also come join the School since the curriculum is essentially a discipleship school.

If you or anyone whom you know are interested, please get in touch with Derek
We would love to share more with you!

Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!