Saturday, 21 July 2007

You Are Significant!

21 July, Saturday

This morning we had the privilege of spending half an hour with a group of Polish kids in our Allerheiligen Chapel.

We taught them the song "Trading My Sorrows" and showed them a video presentation about the mission. Chris shared her testimony on how she became a fulltime missionary, emphasising that her journey to becoming a missionary was a journey of coming to know God as Father and experiencing His personal love, and thus being able to trust Him. "Not one sparrow falls to the ground without the Father knowing. So do not be afraid. You are worth more than hundreds of sparrows" was the scripture shared with them.

Some of the kids after the session. As you can see, the actions to "Yes Lord" were easy to remember! Some others came up with their own 'cool' version of it for the camera!

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