Tuesday, 7 October 2008

School of Missions 2008/9 - Opening Mass with Bishop Klug

"Fix your eyes on Jesus" is the theme of the 2008/9 School of Missions which was marked by an Opening mass presided by Bishop Klug from our diocese, Freiburg. We have 10 participants from 5 countries.

The participants:

Germany - Michael & Theresa with their 11 month old daughter Clara from Munich; we met them while on outreach in the last school. Josef from Regensburg, actively involved with the youth work of the Charismatic renewal.

Singapore - Simon & Stella, members of Living Stones Campus Outreach, Andrina from ICPE Singapore's Women's Cell Group Ministry

Indonesia - Francisca residing in Australia and Dismas residing in the USA

South Korea - Sumi (Her sister, Marie, did a school here in Feb-June 2007)

India - Tony, our ICPE seminarian!!

The band, led by Karolina, animated the music for the Opening Mass. Pat was unable to join the band this time since she is recovering from surgery. Though weak and in pain, her overjoyed spirit gave her the energy to climb the hill and come for the opening mass in the church!

Bishop Klug encouraging us all to "make the world a dangerous place for non-believers".

Karol & Karolina are both actively involved in the School of Missions and will be serving in the area of music and worship apart from many other tasks - spiritual and practical! Karolina transformed the community's dining room into a beautiful banquet hall with beautiful decorations - both handmade and natural, collected from the richness of our forest.

We enjoyed the banquet with Schweinebraten (Roast pork), the speciality of the area, and ended the meal with the Black Forest Cake - of course!